Monday, April 5, 2010

Causes of Diabetes.

Type 1
Infection induced by a certain bacteria
Exposure to Toxins through food consumption
Cow Milk at too Young an Age

Type 2
As you get older you are statistically more likely to get it
Physical Inactivity

What Are the Myths Associated With Diabetes?

Years upon years ago it was believed within certain spheres that diabetes is contagious. It is now safe to confirm that this is certainly not the case. Despite that, there is speculation that it could be a genetic condition, which could lead people to believe that they contracted it from family members from blood, sweat, touching etc. Evidence that it could be genetic comes from trends of diabetes running in families; however this could be a result of similar environments and lifestyle rather than through ones genes.

Stress is often claimed to be a catalyst for diabetes however there is no evidence to suggest that this is indeed the case. Despite the fact that stress does not cause diabetes it could be a reason for Type 1 diabetes turning into Type 2 diabetes or the effects of diabetes being worse on a given day than another.

Eating an excess amount of sugar will not cause someone to contract diabetes. However, that is not to say that it could not indirectly. This means that eating too much sugar could cause a person to put on weight, which could in turn lead to poor health which could, potentially, cause diabetes. It is said that type 2 diabetes could potentially be caused by obesity. Although not directly, it could be something which could be a contributing factor.

Food and diabetes.

Regardless of whether you are following a type 2 diabetes diet or not, the guidelines for healthy eating and drinking and being active apply to everyone, it’s just that they are especially important if you have type 2 diabetes. If you do have Type 2 diabetes, and are looking for type 2 diabetes diet info, you’ll be pleased to learn that you may be able to manage your condition effectively with food, drink, and physical activity.

If you take insulin or tablets for your diabetes, you can also influence your blood glucose level by eating healthy foods and being physically active.

One question I hear a lot is "will I need to follow a "type 2 diabetes diet" or any other kind of diabetic diet?

The answer is "No" – there is no such thing as type 2 diabetes diet or any diabetic diet for that matter. In fact, the basic principles of healthy eating for people with diabetes are the same as the recommendations for everyone else. You certainly don’t need to follow any restrictive meal plans or eat products labeled as "diabetic".

There are compelling health reasons for following what may be known as a type 2 diabetes diet and taking steps to prevent weight gain and obesity when you have diabetes. If you are overweight, losing weight can make a big difference to how well your blood glucose level is controlled.

Becoming more active can also help you to lose weight. In addition, regular physical activity has benefits for your overall health and wellbeing, as well as your diabetes. And by being aware of the impact that physical activity has on your blood glucose level, you will be able to adjust your diabetes treatment if necessary.

Having diabetes is about making healthy eating choices whenever you can, eating regularly – or at the right times to balance the effects of any tablets and/or insulin you take – and being aware of the effects of alcohol on your diabetes. Knowing what’s in your food – carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber – enables you to make choices that help to control your blood glucose level. Whether you cook at home or eat out, there are ways to enjoy food and care for your diabetes. So in reality, a type 2 diabetes diet is simply everything we know about eating healthily anyway. It’s just that if you have type 2 diabetes, it’s more important that you stick to that type of diet.
When you have diabetes, your body is unable to use foods that contain carbohydrate in the usual way. All foods containing carbohydrate are broken down into glucose. You need insulin to let glucose into your cells for energy now, as well as to store some glucose in your liver for energy later. Because you have less insulin available or your insulin is not working effectively, your blood glucose level will rise when you eat carbohydrates and remain high. You still need to eat carbohydrate-containing foods because they are your body’s main source of energy, but choosing those that have less immediate effect on your blood glucose level, and eating them in amounts that will balance with any tablets and/or insulin you take, will help your body to deal with them.

Type 1 Diabetes Diet

If you have Type 1 diabetes, matching your food intake to the action of your insulin is the key to maintain a healthy blood glucose level. For example, if you take a shorter-acting insulin, you will need to take it around the time that you are having your meals. You will also be taking a longer-acting insulin, and you may need to eat extra snacks to. make sure that there is food available in your body when your insulin is working at its peak. The exact timing of your food and insulin together will depend on the type of insulin you take.
Type 2 Diabetes Diet

If you have Type 2 diabetes, your body’s ability to produce insulin effectively when you eat is impaired, so eating foods that take longer to be broken down into glucose can help your pancreas to cope. Sugary foods are converted into glucose fastest so eating them after a meal, when your body is already slowly digesting other food, can help to reduce their impact on your blood glucose. Also, avoiding eating a lot of carbohydrate-containing food at once helps to reduce the pressure on your pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin.

If you have Type 2 diabetes.

By following some healthy diabetes diet tips you'll be able to lose some weight and also boost your cells' ability to respond to insulin.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, your primary goal is simple: to bring your blood sugar levels under control. By doing so, you'll help to stave off diabetes-related complications that can compromise your quality of life, such as serious eye and kidney problems; you can reduce your risk of heart disease (did you know that people with diabetes have two to four times the normal risk of heart disease and stroke?); and you'll most likely live longer. Best of all, you will soon feel better both physically and mentally and more in control of your day-to-day health.

How to lower blood sugar levels is another matter entirely, and one that can seem anything but simple.

Medications can achieve this, of course, and you may need to be on some. But there are many more measures that you can take to control your diabetes and slow its progression, starting with changing your diet.

There are countless different ways to regulate your diet, from simple healthy eating to choosing the foods you eat according to their Glycaemic Index ratings. But we don't think you should have to research each and every food before you eat it.

Taking charge of diabetes doesn't have to be all that complicated. In fact, it shouldn't be, because the more complicated a piece of advice is, the less likely you are to follow it. Approaches that involve a lot of time, attention and planning can be difficult to stick with permanently.

The truth is that all you really need to do to achieve a radical change in your health is to make a few small changes in some of your everyday habits, such as what you eat for lunch or what you do during the commercial breaks on TV. How can such small changes possibly add up to controlling diabetes?

Lowering your blood sugar levels is reason enough to lose weight for someone with diabetes. But shedding surplus pounds may also help to relieve or prevent a multitude of secondary health problems, including

High blood pressure
Heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Joint pain
Sleep apnea
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Prostate cancer
Kidney cancer

Diabetes help.

You should be treating type 2 diabetes without medication because of the serious damage that diabetic drugs do to the body. Some of the more popular diabetes medications come with very serious side effects. This is not to be taken lightly; these drugs can literally cause the organs of the body to fail. A popular drug for diabetes has been shown to damage the heart muscle. It creates an imbalance of water in the cells which can cause heart failure. This drug also causes water retention in the body. Many will experience their feet and legs swelling due to the water retention. Treating type 2 diabetes without medication is the best possible solution.

Diabetes is a serious illness which destroys the body. There is a poison in the bloodstream that causes the body parts to fail. This illness is painful and very strong. Many lose the uses of their legs and have to have the legs removed. This is due to the poison glucose in the bloodstream that is out of control. This poison blood glucose spreads to the eyes and causes blurry vision and for many blindness. It is critical to remove this fast. When seeking to treat type 2 diabetes without medication you must turn to the diet. Only a healing diet can save the body.

There is a problem in that most diabetic diets do not work. These diets remove sugar and fats but this will not stop diabetes. The lack of insulin production is the real problem not sugar. There is no good insulin production to remove the poison glucose. Most type 2 diabetes diets will not work and do not stop the insulin problem. There is good news; recently there is a diet by a filmmaker that has been reversing type 2 diabetes by healing the insulin problem and removing the poison glucose. It is helping many people and you may also eat what you like as you heal

If you are looking to treat type 2 diabetes without medication you must realize that there is a spreading poison everyday that must be removed quickly to save your body. Time is not on your side this illness is serious.

Diabetes and diet .

Diabetes is a life threatening disease that can only be controlled by leading a healthy lifestyle and following a proper diet. If you ask how diabetes and diet are related, I would say they are but both sides of the same coin. Diabetes is resulted due to the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. In some cases it is also because the body has developed insulin resistance. Diabetes can be controlled by making certain modifications in the diet. To stabilize the blood sugar levels a certain patient has to make necessary changes in his or her diet. A control diet for diabetes would basically mean you have to eat the same meal everyday and in equal proportions.

Diabetes and diet does not mean that you have to go and buy special foods. You just have to maintain a healthy and low calorie diet. You must avoid all food items that can increase your blood sugar levels. Eating regular meals in moderate amount is very important. A diabetic patient is bound to feel unusual hunger and thirst. So bringing oneself up to control his urge to eat every time is what a diabetic should develop. This does not happen overnight and requires a lot of motivation, will power and of course practice.

Did you know something else about the diabetes and diet? An overweight person is more likely to develop the type 2 diabetes. So there is something called the preventive diabetic diet as well where a patient who is more vulnerable to diabetes due to a family history should control his diet and modify his food habits.

Following of the food pyramid will let you develop a clearer understanding of diabetes and diet. A diabetic person should include more and more of healthy food items like fruits and vegetables in his diet. A fiber rich diet is good for the diabetics. Other than that a diabetic patient should be careful about seeing that the portions of his meals are well regulated and the meals are eaten during the same time everyday.

So to summarize the whole concept of diabetes and diet, the patient concerned must first develop an understanding of what to eat. If you are a diabetic then cut down on the purified carbohydrates; cut down on your sugar intake and avoid fast food. Replace the fats you take in with healthy fats. Next step in your learning more about diabetes and diet is to know when to eat. Even the healthiest of meals if taken irregularly can be of no benefit. So see that you eat at a fixed time everyday. Last but not the least the portion of your meal is very important to regulate. See that the nutritional element in your diet is high and the overall calorie consumption is low.

Diabetes and diet go hand in hand. If you want to live a regular life in spite of suffering from diabetes, you must follow a diet that allows you to control your diabetes.

Reversing diabetes.

Diabetes doesn't mean your life is over. Yes, it definitely comes with a huge shock when you are first diagnosed, but your life is not necessarily over, it just means you now have to change the way you live, eat and exercise. The most important aspect of managing your diabetes well is to eat healthy nutritious meals and include exercise every day. This may sound hard, but it is a lot easier than you realise. By implementing a good diet and exercise into your daily life you will be well on your way to managing your diabetes and continuing to live your life. The difference now is that you need to be more alert as to what you are eating and how it affects your sugar levels.

Watching what you eat and knowing what is suitable for your needs is essential. You need to remember that certain foods may affect your sugar levels where the same food will not affect another individual who also has diabetes. This is why it is vital to keep a record of what you eat so that you can eliminate the foods that do not agree with you.

It is vitally important to know what carbohydrates are good for you and how much you need for your individual needs. A low GI diet is essential now that you have diabetes. It may sound horrible, but it is basically amending your old recipes into new exciting healthy versions. At first it will take a bit of time to renovate your old recipes, but once you have it will become second nature and you will start to feel and look good.

By implementing an exercise regime that is suitable to your individual needs on a daily basis is an essential and beneficial part of managing your diabetes. Make sure that before taking on any new exercise plan; please consult with your doctor to make sure that it will be helpful to you and not harmful. Some exercises can be harmful to you depending on the condition of your diabetes, your doctor will advise you of this.

Remember these quick tips to help you start managing your diabetes:

· Eat at regular intervals and at the same time each meal

· Exercise on a daily basis, start off in small doses and increase as it suits you - don't over do it!

· Limit your intake of alcohol

· Limit your intake of salt

· Eat healthy nutritious foods that include plenty of fruit and vegetables

· Avoid processed foods, take away foods, and any other quick meals that are full of junk and have no nutritional value or benefit to you at all

Implementing these tips is why having diabetes doesn't mean your life is over. Your life is too precious and this is why managing your diabetes effectively will allow you to achieve an optimum healthy life.

Information about diabetes.

People suffering from diabetes need to eat healthy in order to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Though they are not left with much variety, as far as food is concerned but the vegetables prescribed for them are not all that awful.

The French bean, also known as the kidney bean is a good option. If cooked with care, it tastes awesome and no less than a delicacy. The beans have a greater fiber content and are rich in carbohydrates. Thus, it is prescribed to patients suffering from diabetes.

A suggested natural remedy could be, juice extracted from French beans mixed with the juice of Brussels sprout. This is good for the health as it stimulates production of insulin.

Bean decoction is another effective medicine. For this you require 60 grams of fresh bean pods, weighed after removing the seeds. This has to be boiled in four liters of water for four hours. The decoction must necessarily be prepared on slow fire. Then the potion has to be sieved through a muslin cloth and let to cool for eight hours. It is advised that this decoction be taken a glassful after every two hours for 4-8 weeks at a stretch. This must be prepared fresh everyday as it loses its medicinal qualities after 24 hours.

Dr. James Anderson of the Human Nutrition Research Centre of the US Department of Agriculture deduced that foods with low cholesterol content help prevent heart ailments. Also, the beans being rich in soluble fiber reduce the sugar level in blood and thus are healthy for diabetics who are greatly prone to the risk of heart disease. Lettuce has 3% or less of carbohydrates. People who wish to cut down on their weight can have plenty of tomatoes as it has low carbohydrate content and also does control levels of sugar in the urine.

Soya bean is very nutritious and helps to keep a check on blood sugar levels. Studies as early as 1910 has shown that Soya bean is rich in protein and fat and low in starch. It helps regulate and reduce the quality of urinary sugar in diabetics.

Onion, be it raw or cooked is also an effective home remedy. It reduces the sugar levels in blood and the more it is eaten the faster it would help lower blood sugar. Around 1960’s, there was discovery of anti diabetic compounds in onion. These were similar to anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals which help synthesis of insulin and its release, namely, allyl, propyl, disulphide and allicin.

A balanced diet, well supplemented with vegetables, fruit and juices should be ideally taken. One needs to cut down on the intake of fat based food and sweets. Also, you should indulge in an active lifestyle. Walking is a must on regular basis. Smoking and drinking must be avoided. The blood sugar should be measured at regular intervals and body weight should be maintained. This would enable a diabetic to live a healthy life.

Diabetes research.

If you are a diabetic or pre diabetic, you can choose a balanced lifestyle to control blood glucose levels following warning signs of diabetes. Changed lifestyle means you are offering to avoid certain bad diabetic foods as much as you can because these foods can topple your blood sugar levels. As such you should basically accept life style changes. The main theme of this article is to furnish a brief description of foods to control blood glucose levels.

As some foods can bear a massive impact on blood glucose levels you need to know precisely what foods to avoid in Toto. Here are some diet foods to exclude in your diet meal plan.

Artificial sweeteners: It is pretty difficult to avoid sugar in your diet to zero level. Still, it is advisable to avoid sweeteners like refined sugar as much as you can to increase control of blood glucose in the blood stream.

Sweet Chocolates: You should avoid chewing candy chocolates as they contain high sugar mix. Consuming these can increase sugar levels in your body.

High carb grains: Grains high in carbohydrate should be kept off. The foods rich in carbohydrates can increase the glucose levels in the blood. In this list, you have the white bread, refined rice, pasta, and pastry as bad diabetic foods to avoid.

Vegetables high in starch: Usually all vegetables are good for health. However, there are some vegetables high in starch component which should be cut off from eating. In this regard, you may avoid consuming much of sweet beets, carrots, potatoes, peas, and butter beans.

Fruits rich in sweet: As fruits contain minerals and vitamins they are highly recommended for diabetics to control blood glucose levels. Usually fruits are good fiber sources. However, fruits like mango, banana, jackfruit, strawberry, pineapple are not good for controlling blood glucose.

Fatty dietary foods: Milk is a healthier food but skimmed milk is good for reducing fat intake in the blood. Cheese and yogurt containing whole fat should be avoided. Butter cakes are very bad food for diabetics.

Processed foods: Though processed diet foods are added with preservatives they have very poor fiber content needed for diabetics to reduce blood sugar in the blood stream. So, any food packed in solid form or in liquid form should be totally avoided.

Be sure, if you can avoid these foods you can keep the blood glucose levels under control and no medicine is needed.

Diabetes control.

In the recent years diabetes is one of the major health troubles not only in the country but also in the world. It is something that cannot be ignored as the severe complications can lead to heart disease to liver problems. Diet plays an imperative job in handling diabetes. Also diabetic patients should know what they need to eat and what to keep away from. The diabetic patient should eradicate trivial qualms from his every day life. He or she must venture to be calmer and should not get excessively worked up by the stress and strain of life.

Diabetic patients also need to have proper timing regarding their day to day meals. Skipping your meal might make the patients fall into risk of distressing the subtle constancy that exists between the insulin and the food intake. Even the dieticians suggest that the one suffering from diabetes should have low-calorie, low-fat and maintaining affluent diet in fiber and fruits. Fruits play an important serve in the good health of the patient with diabetes. Moreover there are some of the ways the fruits need to be consumed which would keep the blood sugar level normal. Again one needs to consume fruits that have rich fiber content and low sugar content. Not all fruits are good for a diabetic patient. There are some fruits which may increase the blood sugar level and thus increases the vitality of diabetes. Therefore if you are a diabetic, you need to know what all fruits are harmless to your body and consume them in greater amounts.

Here are 3 important fruits the diabetic patient needs to consume to keep him away from health issues: they are

Grapefruit is an excellent fruit in the diet of a diabetic patient. Grapefruits need to be eaten on a regular basis and three grapefruits can be eaten on every single meal in a day.
Jambul fruit is the most popular diabetic fruit to be consumed by the patient. It is treated as a good medicine because of its effect on the pancreas. This fruit is helpful as it contains a glucoside 'jamboline' that keeps a check on the pathological switch of starch into sugar in cases of augmented production of glucose.
Gooseberry is rich in vitamin C content, is measured valuable in diabetes. Gooseberry helps in decreasing the blood sugar level in diabetes.

On a long run diabetic patients need to have a regular diet with lots of good fruits.

Treating diabetes.

It often happens that some people suffer from diabetes and are not aware it, because their symptoms seem insignificant. According to recent studies, the early diagnosis of the disease may reduce the likelihood of occurrence of complications. Some of the symptoms you should watch out for are: Excessive thirst, Excessive hunger, Blurred vision, Increased fatigue, Unusual weight loss, Numbness in the arms or legs, Weakness, Vomiting and stomach pain and Lack of concentration.

What we know most about diabetes is that it can cause many physical problems. But what we usually ignore, are the emotional reactions of the patient.

According to research carried out at many universities, diabetics are twice more likely to suffer from depression than non-diabetics. These patients feel sadness and disappointment and seem to mourn for the carefree life they enjoyed before the onset of the disease. Others fear the complications of diabetes, including nephropathy, blindness, heart disease and circulatory problems. It is true that diabetics have to go through constant blood tests, medical care, medications and follow a special diet, which can make them feel suppressed and deprived.

How to treat the disease without medication:

The first thing you need to do is to avoid consuming foods rich in fat and sugar. Foods high in sugar: jam, chocolate, honey, sweets, cakes, biscuits, most breakfast cereals, soft drinks, juices.

High-fat foods: fried foods, fat cheese, butter, fresh cream, pastry, sausages, meats, nuts, mayonnaise, potato chips, bakery items.

Additionally, you have to avoid consuming eggs. A recent study found that eating an egg a day can lead to the development of type II diabetes. After 20 years of research on 57,000 men and women, scientists from Boston and Massachusetts, found that consuming one egg per day increases the risk of type II diabetes by 60%. For women the risk was increased by 77%. However, the consumption of one egg a week does not increase the risk for this condition.

It would also be very helpful to lose some weight, if you have extra pounds. About 80% of people diagnosed with this condition were overweight at the time of the diagnosis.

Statins do not cause diabetes.

Only one media source has published the results of a recent study from Lancet. However it is suspected that there must be many more in the pipeline. The results of the most would be

"Statin causes a 9 percent increase in diabetes"

Though Lancet study is a major analysis of trials of Statin. This study was conducted to monitors the risk linked with statins and diabetes development.

The researchers got the idea of doing meta analysis from many Jupiter trials that were sowing that Crestor has reduced the risk of heart attack in patients. These patients were taking statin and had an increase SRP.

The thing that was observed on this study was weather these patients had an increase in the development of diabetes.

When this data was first released the diabetes report was increased in Crestor group. It was also stated that these were only physician’s reports without any confirmation. There is not any biological explanation to suspect Statin or Crestor as a diabetes cause. Further more both groups had 41 % metabolic syndrome. This metabolic syndrome is pre diabetic stage.

So if it is true than how one can say that diabetes is not cause because of Statin.

What causes diabetes?

Inherited Traits or HereditaryIt is believed that some genes pass from one generation to another. The same holds true for the genes of diabetes. It generally depends on the closeness of the blood relation. If the mother of a person is diabetic then risk factor of developing diabetes is 2% to 3%. If the father of the person is diabetic, then risk increases than the former case. The risk factor of developing diabetes further increases if both parents are diabetic.

Increasing age is another factor that makes the person more prone to developing diabetes. Though the disease can set in at any age however 80% individuals become the victim of diabetes after the age of 50.

Poor Diet
Low protein, poor nutrition, less dietary fiber and increased intake of refined products are some reasons of developing diabetes.

Fat Distribution and Obesity

Increased insulin resistance triggers the tendency to put on weight. If the body fats are more that 30 %, the Body Mass Index is more than 25 and the waist is 40 inches in man and more than 5 inches in woman, then the person is at increased risk of developing diabetes.

Inactive Lifestyle
People who have an inactive lifestyle are at an increased risk of developing diabetes. Those individual who exercise for at least three rimes a week are at lower risk of developing diabetes.

Any emotional disturbance or physical injury is generally blamed as the first cause of diabetes. The disturbance in ACTH therapy may also lead to few symptoms of diabetes.

Drug Induced
Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Clozapine (Clozaril), risperidone (Risperdal), ziprasidone (Geodon) and quetiapine (Seroquel) are famous for developing this chronic ailment.

InfectionThe infection in pancreas is caused by some strephylococci.

Recent studies have revealed that high level of systolic pressure and diabetes are directly linked with each other.

Lipid Profile
The cholesterol level and high blood pressure are related to increase in blood sugar levels.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Diabetes prevalence.

The classic symptoms of high blood sugar are classified under the domain of unlucky persons termed diabetics. This chronic ailment can be further characterized into type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. However the symptoms of high blood glucose level remain same in all the categories of diabetes. All those who ever had experienced signs of high blood sugar will find nothing new in this article; however a little bit more clarification.

All those who are at an increased risk of diabetics, because of the family history or because of their inactive lifestyle, must read through the following passages. The following reading may help you to understand the symptoms of high blood sugar and lead you to go for a diabetes screening test.

The diabetes screening tests are quick, inexpensive and painless; so there is nothing that one should worry about. Above all the diabetes screening test and timely diagnosis of the problem will help you in saving lot of troubles in near future. Let's check the signs of high blood sugar. These main symptoms of high glucose levels are real alarming bells and one must learn to listen to these sign.

Tingling and numbness sensation in hands and feet is a top warning symptom of high glucose. This sounds ridiculous but this sensation is more like feeling of heart beat in hands or feet. The teeth of the diabetic person remain sticky in spite of thorough cleaning and proper brushing. The reason behind this is excessive circulation of sugar in blood that is then poured in the mouth along with saliva.

The diabetic may feel a tingling sensation around the eyelids. This again is directly linked with excessive level of increased blood sugar flowing in the system. This increased level of glucose is finding their way everywhere. The next alarming symptom of high blood sugar is slow and poor healing of infection and wounds. The density of the blood of the diabetic person increases; so the smaller capillaries that are closer to the surface of the skin find it difficult to receive fresh blood. The result is that healing of the skin is hampered. Small wounds and cuts at the feet of the diabetics take a longer healing time. In severe case it may even lead to amputation and gangrene.

Another classic symptom of high glucose levels is unquenchable thirst. This is an obvious and a notable symptom of all others. This is not simply a requirement of an extra one or two glasses of water like a normal person feels on a hot day. Rather this is an exaggerated version of this. Diabetics feel a nonstop urge of liquids throughout the day and night that do not have any bounds.

Two types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body no longer produces insulin.

Type 2, the most common type of diabetes occurs when the body develops a resistance to insulin, or does not produce enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes, once labeled adult onset diabetes, has become more and more prevalent in children.

Research has documented two primary factors contributing to the rise in type 2 diabetes in children. The factors are: 1) children today are more inactive, and 2) unhealthy diets in children. Today's lifestyle of fast-food meals, TV, computers, and hand-held games has put many at risk of developing symptoms of diabetes in children.

Diabetes in children is a serious threat. Take control of your child's future today. Make sure they have a healthy diet including fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep your children active. They won't be deprived if they don't spend hours a day watching TV or playing computerized games. You could be saving their life.
World Health Organization has divided diabetes into three types

Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes
This is an autoimmune disorder and is characterized by the inability of pancreas to produce insulin because of the loss of beta cells. It is also termed Juvenile diabetes and occurs mainly in children.

Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 the pancreas is healthy and produces enough amount of insulin. But the cells of the body become unable to produce the provided insulin for converting glucose into energy. It is also termed insulin resistant diabetes and is more common in older people.

Gestational DiabetesThis type of diabetes develops only during pregnancy. It is more common in American Indians, African-Americans and in Hispanic American. Women whoever had suffered from gestational diabetes have 20 % - 50 % more chances of developing type 2 diabetes within next 5-10 years.

What To Do If You See Symptoms Of Diabetes In Children?

The quality of your child's life may depend on being able to recognize the symptoms of diabetes in children.
The disease elevates the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. As blood sugars remain high, over time, complications such as blindness, kidney failure, amputations, heart disease, and severe nerve damage can occur.
The quality of your child's life may depend on being able to recognize the symptoms of diabetes in children.

Diabetes in children has reached almost epidemic proportions. The incidence of this chronic and sometimes deadly disease is predicted to continue to rise.

Unfortunately for parents, sometimes it can be hard to identify the symptoms of diabetes in children. Read the list below and you'll understand why often symptoms of diabetes aren't recognized early.

When they are, doctors can help immediately with treatment and help you to maintain and control the diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes in children and adults are:

o Frequent thirst - You may just be thinking your child drinks a lot.

o Frequent infections - Many consider this just a part of childhood.

o Blurred Vision - Your child may not tell you as the blurred vision can come and go. It's not always constant.

o Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal - It's easy to think the injury was just a "bad one" and it's taking longer to heal.

o Tingling/numbness in hands or feet - Again you child may not notice or tell you about it as it's not usually constant.

o Frequent urination - Many just think it comes from drinking more.

o Extreme hunger - Often parents think their child is going through a "growth spurt" and just requires more food.

o Unusual weight loss - This symptom does normally make parents concerned. If the child has bee overweight, parents sometimes think .....Great, the weight is finally coming off.

o Irritability - Can often be labeled as parent/child confrontations. Also many parents of teens just think it's a normal part of the teenage years.

You won't see all of this at once. You will notice one of them, then a month or two latter something else...
Some other warning signs of diabetes mellitus include:

Flu like symptoms:Sometimes it feels that diabetes is a viral disease as it causes loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness. Sugar is the main fuel of the body its absence cause these fatigue and weakness signs.

Weight Loss or Gain: The body is attempting to compensate for sugar and fluid loss. The diabetic may eat more and gain weight; opposite may also occur. It is possible that diabetic may eat more but still start to lose weight.

Blurriness in Vision: High blood sugar level extracts fluids from the cells of the tissue including the eye lens. This strongly affects the lens of eye and thus the ability of focusing. The vision however starts to improve by controlling the sugar levels.

Recurrent Infection and Slow Healing Wounds: Diabetes seriously affects the ability to heal and fight against infection. Vaginal and bladder infections are the classic signs of diabetes mellitus in women.

Swollen, Red and Tender Gums: Diabetes mellitus increase the infection risk in bones and gums of the teeth. This cause the teeth to become lose. This also develops pockets of pus or sores in gums. This is specifically true if you have ever suffered from gum infection even before the sign of diabetes.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Effective control of diabetes.

Diabetes is directly connected to the flow of energy in our body. This is because glucose is energy and the inability to produce insulin which is vital for the transmission of sugar to the blood cells, causes a stagnation of sugar in the blood leading to diabetes. In essence, the much-needed energy is not available to the cells. Properly oriented physical activity will help push the energy to the cells. Healthy fitness routine increases the sensitivity of the body to insulin, making it more responsive to the secreted insulin which in turn reduces the blood sugar level. Type II form of diabetes should be nipped in the bud before our body becomes completely incapable of producing insulin necessitating the need for external insulin injections.

Common Exercise Routine:

It is advisable to start on less strenuous exercises. It will take time for the body to get accustomed to the sudden change pattern. As time goes you need to gradually increase the level and difficulty of exercise. You can have the following 5 points as your starting 5 point agenda that kicks off your new fitness mantra.

1. Walk for at least 20 minutes: One of the most lethal aspect of diabetes is the way it catalyses diabetes. So any cardio vascular exercise will be helpful for diabetics. Walking makes you breathe heavily and you can feel the heart working harder. But remember that it must never lead to palpitation. If your stamina is very low for 20 minutes then shift your milestone to a lesser time duration and gradually increase it.

2. Aerobic exercises with less impact on legs: Diabetes leads to a nervous disorder called diabetic neuropathy which results in weakening of nerves. The most affected part of the body is feet. The worrying aspect of this is that the symptoms do not show up for diabetic neuropathy. So, if you feel any pain or pressure in the feet portion, then switch to swimming, bicycling and other similar aerobic exercises that do not exert pressure on legs.

3. Warm up before and after exercise: It may appear trivial. But, any sudden activity imposes immense pressure on the heart and you may not want to cause any adverse cardio effects. Gradual increase in physical activity not only revitalizes you, it paves way for a hale and healthy heart. Before starting your exercise, do some mild stretches for 5 minutes. This will prepare your body for the next bigger task. On the same lines, after you are done with the exercise routine, spend 5 to 10 minutes to do slight walks and low-intensity stretches. This will signal your body that you are slowing down and the exercise is on its last leg.

4. Emergency sugar supplement: Make sure you have enough chocolates with you always. This is not to tease your taste buds, but it is the immediate charger for your body. Sometimes, we get a little frenzied with physical exercises that we tend to go beyond the possible limit. This will drastically reduce the blood sugar levels and the effects are immediately felt in the form of giddiness and worse, fatigue. It is prudent to pop in a chocolate, immediately bring you back to normal state. Make sure you are not tempted to eat it for leisure.

5. Start the day with exercise: Being diabetic is very tricky on the body. Many times you may find yourself low on sugar levels due to heavy workouts or wrong workout at the wrong time. Owing to this unpredictability, it is best to start off your day with exercise because, after an optimum level of sleep, there cannot be much vagaries in the sugar levels and you do not have to worry about fluctuations. It sets a pattern for the body too such that the biological clock is tuned to a healthy lifestyle alleviating imbalances.

One of the factors that make diabetes a lifestyle disease is that, the response of the body to insulin is in a way determined by the lifestyle pattern. High on fats, low on exercise is the first gateway to diabetes. But, aside from this, another factor exists. This is the innate ability of the body to respond to insulin. Although, we have little control over the current response levels, it is possible to improve the response to insulin with physical activity. This will help in the long run in effective control of diabetes.

Diabetes control.

Are you one of the millions of diabetic sufferers in the world? Can you manage this by dietary changes?

Through everyday simple dietary control you can manage a basic diabetic condition; the aim is to control your blood glucose levels through simple diet and some lifestyle changes.

Essentially blood glucose levels fluctuate considerably depending on what we eat and how often, foods to eat in moderation would be pastas, bread and similar starchy foods as with the digestive process these foods produce a lot of glucose and without sufficient insulin or the ability in our system to dissipate the glucose throughout our cell structure there lies the problem.

Simple things we can do to assist a diabetic condition would be,

Eat healthily.

Reduce saturated fat intake.

Cut down on salt or salty foods.

Consume more fruit and vegetables.

Drink plenty of fluid.

Manage sweets and deserts.

Consume smaller meals through the day.

In essence all we are trying to do is follow a healthier life style you should give consideration to introducing an exercise program into you weekly routine, and if you are a smoker try and cut down or even better quit altogether.

Following these simple pointers and if required in conjunction with and necessary medication (As prescribed by a doctor or similar qualified person) can help prevent any of the long term complications that can be associated with diabetes, the more severe of these can include deteriorating eye sight along with kidney and heart problems.

Simple changes can provide significant results.

Diabetes and its complications .

Can be life altering. It can become very strenuous and taxing to live with health problems caused by diabetes. Short term complications can happen quickly such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis and hyper-osmolar syndrome.

Long term complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, diseases of the eyes, peripheral vascular disease and more can seriously compromise the diabetic patient.

Some of the complications arising due to diabetes are as follow:

Atherosclerosis: In simple words it translates to hardening of arteries, which can lead to coronary arterial disease, peripheral arterial disease, a stroke or a heart attack.

Diabetic retinopathy: It is eye disease without any early symptoms and can lead to kidney failure.

Diabetic nephropathy: It is a kidney disease again without any early symptoms and can lead to kidney failure.

Diabetic neuropathy: It is a nerve disease, which effects internal organs and causes loss of sensation especially in the feet.

Sexual dysfunction and yeast infections in the genital areas: which may lead to a loss in sexual intercourse.

Risk of tuberculosis: It is increased due to uncontrolled hyperglycemia and since tuberculosis is an airborne disease it is difficult to protect a diabetic from contracting it.

Adhesive capsultitis: Also known as "frozen shoulder" it is a condition in which the individual loses mobility in the shouldner joint over a period of time and it is a very painful condition to live with.

Depression and diabetes go hand in hand to make the individual's life miserable.

Loss of limbs is another complication of diabetes.

Although the above mentioned complications arising due to diabetes are overwhelming, there is a lot that one can do to protect oneself through blood glucose control, exercise and diet.

Diabetes children.

When a child gets diabetes then it is named either juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes, most of the time. This disease causes the pancreas to not be able to produce insulin or affects the body's ability to use the insulin it produces, correctly. Insulin is a chemical which allows the body to use starches, carbs and sugars. Kids who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are also considered to be insulin-dependent. They will have to take insulin for the rest of their lives.

Type 2 diabetes is more common in adults over the age of 40. A recent development has caused much confusion in the science community. More and more children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes because of unhealthy diet and lifestyle. In the case of type 2 diabetes, the body produces the insulin but the body is not able to use it correctly. Therefore, medication or additional insulin must be supplemented in order to stay healthy.

Diabetes cannot be diagnosed at home. You will have to seek the advice of the family doctor, naturopath, endocrinologist or a homeopath. If there is any question in your mind about your child's health, especially if they are obese, you should seek an opinion as soon as possible. Diabetes tends to run in families so if there is a history then this is a cause for added concern. Diagnosis is easily done by use of a blood test. The levels of glucose are carefully measured.

Symptoms that you should be looking out for include: blurry vision, frequent urination, excessive urination, recurring infections (like athletes foot and UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)), chronic fatigue, tingly or numb hands and feet, loss of weight while not dieting and abnormally slow healing cuts and scrapes.

Science has not determined exactly what causes diabetes to happen in children. Many believe that a virus or auto-immune response might be responsible. It is a myth that it is caused by consuming excessive amounts of sugar or a result of obesity, alone.

Unfortunately, children must take daily doses of insulin if they are plagued by type 1 diabetes. It cannot be taken as a pill because the stomach acid breaks it down too much. A new and healthier diet must also be followed. The amount of food and time in between meals should be monitored closely.

Some herbs and minerals are also helpful for those suffering with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Gymnema Sylvestre, Galega Officinalis, Bilberry and Chromium Picolonate all can help your child if he/she has been diagnosed. Talk with a naturopath, homeopath as well as your doctor before starting them on a natural regimen.

There are 3 main warning signs - sugar diabetes.

There are 3 main warning signs that must be heeded; you must listen what your body is saying because it can save your life. The first critical warning sign is thirst. The person with high blood sugar may have a constant thirst.The body tries to filter the excess sugar from the blood by passing it in water through the kidneys. This pushing of the sugar out the body is what causes frequent urinating which leaves you thirsty. There is an imbalance in the body; the body is becoming dehydrated as it tries to throw out the sugar. The body may be severely dehydrated.

The next of the diabetes warning signs is hunger. Being hungry frequently stems from the fact that a person with diabetes cannot utilize sugar well as an energy source within cells. The sugar is circulating in the blood, but the cells can't absorb it to use it as a fuel. This is why even after a meal a diabetic can again be quickly hungry. The body is losing all the nutrients from the meal. The very sugar that is suppose to be converted to fuel is sitting in the bloodstream causing damage to the circulation and organs.

Frequently urinating is another diabetes warning sign. The kidneys are passing urine out the body to get rid of the sugar. The body continually is dumping the sugar out causing the diabetic to have to urinate often. It is amazing how the body fights to balance back the blood sugar. Science has revealed you can stop the high blood sugar and heal diabetes on your own, it is a pancreas heal diet that does it and it has healed many people. The healing of the pancreas is the key to stopping diabetes. If you are getting the diabetes warning signs it is a strong call to act now before the organs of the body die out.