Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body no longer produces insulin.

Type 2, the most common type of diabetes occurs when the body develops a resistance to insulin, or does not produce enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes, once labeled adult onset diabetes, has become more and more prevalent in children.

Research has documented two primary factors contributing to the rise in type 2 diabetes in children. The factors are: 1) children today are more inactive, and 2) unhealthy diets in children. Today's lifestyle of fast-food meals, TV, computers, and hand-held games has put many at risk of developing symptoms of diabetes in children.

Diabetes in children is a serious threat. Take control of your child's future today. Make sure they have a healthy diet including fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep your children active. They won't be deprived if they don't spend hours a day watching TV or playing computerized games. You could be saving their life.
World Health Organization has divided diabetes into three types

Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes
This is an autoimmune disorder and is characterized by the inability of pancreas to produce insulin because of the loss of beta cells. It is also termed Juvenile diabetes and occurs mainly in children.

Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 the pancreas is healthy and produces enough amount of insulin. But the cells of the body become unable to produce the provided insulin for converting glucose into energy. It is also termed insulin resistant diabetes and is more common in older people.

Gestational DiabetesThis type of diabetes develops only during pregnancy. It is more common in American Indians, African-Americans and in Hispanic American. Women whoever had suffered from gestational diabetes have 20 % - 50 % more chances of developing type 2 diabetes within next 5-10 years.

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