Monday, April 5, 2010

Causes of Diabetes.

Type 1
Infection induced by a certain bacteria
Exposure to Toxins through food consumption
Cow Milk at too Young an Age

Type 2
As you get older you are statistically more likely to get it
Physical Inactivity

What Are the Myths Associated With Diabetes?

Years upon years ago it was believed within certain spheres that diabetes is contagious. It is now safe to confirm that this is certainly not the case. Despite that, there is speculation that it could be a genetic condition, which could lead people to believe that they contracted it from family members from blood, sweat, touching etc. Evidence that it could be genetic comes from trends of diabetes running in families; however this could be a result of similar environments and lifestyle rather than through ones genes.

Stress is often claimed to be a catalyst for diabetes however there is no evidence to suggest that this is indeed the case. Despite the fact that stress does not cause diabetes it could be a reason for Type 1 diabetes turning into Type 2 diabetes or the effects of diabetes being worse on a given day than another.

Eating an excess amount of sugar will not cause someone to contract diabetes. However, that is not to say that it could not indirectly. This means that eating too much sugar could cause a person to put on weight, which could in turn lead to poor health which could, potentially, cause diabetes. It is said that type 2 diabetes could potentially be caused by obesity. Although not directly, it could be something which could be a contributing factor.

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